Monday, November 24, 2014

Parking kerfluffles & adorable kid time on the Feast of Christ the King...

Happy Monday everyone! I'm absolutely buzzing from an early morning sale at my favorite online yarn shop, but I'll talk about that more tomorrow. I have a busy couple of days here at work, since we were all off last Thursday and Friday due to the storm, and I'm only here for a few days this week due to Thanksgiving. So, blogging-wise, I'll be posting today through Wednesday, which is book club day. The posts will likely be a tad more brief than usual since I'm more pressed for time. But it's a treat for me each day to write, and so here I am, at your service!

You're welcome. ;-)

Yesterday was the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday prior to Advent. :0 Super exciting. I was telling the kids about that as we drove to Mass. Whereupon we arrived in the parish parking lot to find it stuffed full. This was a mystery. Unless there's a baptism taking place during Mass, or it's Christmas Eve, the parking lot is rarely completely full. I circled, then quickly parked in a neighboring lot which is for businesses that are all closed on Sundays. We hustled into the church and noted the setup on the altar: a chair covered by red and gold vestments, and a small table with a crown of thorns. Nice touch. :)

As we got settled in a pew, I pulled out the bulletin, which contained a warning not to park in neighboring lots, as the parish had been warned that tickets would be issued.


Ugh, I was torn on what to do. I didn't feel like schlepping Anne back to the car to move it (Henry could stay by himself just fine, but I knew Anne wouldn't), plus then I'd have to find a spot on the street. A conundrum. I decided to take my chances and leave it. I'm thinking the bigger problem is likely the Saturday vigil Mass, which is better attended with the added factor of the neighboring businesses being open. It all turned out fine, by the way, no ticket. :) But I won't park there again! It distracted me for all of Mass.

At any rate, Mass was lovely. Father's homily addressed how this is the triumphant end of the liturgical year, and a time to be generous and give to others as we approach the expectation of Advent. He mentioned the 10 am Thanksgiving Mass, which I always want to go to but never do, and how everyone can bring a donation for the food pantry up to the altar during the Offertory. This seemed up Anne's alley, so I asked her if she wanted to go, and she said yes. :) So those are our Thanksgiving morning plans. I always want to just veg and watch the parade, but let's be honest: the parade is lame. :0 I do still like watching it, but one certainly can't watch it continually from 9 am until noon lest we die from the cheesiness, so this will break things up nicely. We'll be back long before Santa makes his grand entrance in front of Macy's.

When we got home, both kids wanted to break out their nativity sets, which I put the kibosh on right away. Henry acquiesced to getting one item out per day until next weekend, and in the process of going through his Bethlehem village pieces took out a Fontanini music box he received last year. Anne was *very* taken with it, and cradled it for the rest of the night, photo above. :) She kissed each member of the Holy Family for good measure. She is absolutely adorable.

We all have our Advent calendars and music at the ready for next Sunday. I have my Magnificat Advent Companion all set to go, and my plans firmly in place. Bring on Advent!

How was your Feast of Christ the King, dear reader? Do detail in the comments. :)

1 comment:

  1. I had a good weekend especially since I spent last weekend and last week dealing with....ah hum...unpleasantries. So Saturday I sang and played the flute with the 5 pm Mass. This was lovely since I haven't played in ages. Then on Sunday the whole family went to the usual Mass and my youngest behaved himself longer than normal. His latest strategy is to dive under the pew. I also found a way to conquer the knots: loom knitting. I crocheted a hat on Sunday (start to finish in one day!) on a knitting loom. It was quite enjoyable and while it uses similar techniques as crochet and knitting, it's loads easier for me. Although loom knitting is it's own art/craft form, it's also a gateway to using sticks. So maybe one day.... For now I think using a loom to make socks, hats, etc works.


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